Carrying out our grave searches


Contact us to find out whether the person you are looking for is buried at Abney Park and we can search our internal database, or you can use the Abney Unearthed burial and map information here.


Ongoing renovation works during 2023 will mean that there is no public access to our office space, so we will be unable to help you if you arrive without making an appointment.

To enable staff enough time to search for the grave, please contact us at least 10 days prior to the day that you wish to visit. If you contact us with short notice we may be unable to help you.

Due to staff commitments, appointments are not available on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Administrative charges

As a charity we do ask for a £40 fee for a single grave search to help cover our costs (staff time to search, printing, appointment time) and to maintain this service. The fee does reduce for more than one search. We are pleased to now be able to offer appointments to guide you to the grave location.

If you are unable to visit, photographs can be emailed to you. The fee is £6 for one image of the headstone, £10 for an image of the headstone and a close-up of the epitaph, with further pricing up to £25 for 5 images showing the headstone and surrounding area.


We would recommend searching for graves in autumn or winter when headstones are more visible. Even with a plot number, graves can be very difficult to find. The ground around the graves is often uneven and overgrown so it can be unsafe, with low visibility.

Please note - some grave numbers are not on the plot maps, not all grave numbers are visible on site, not all graves are legible and not all graves have a headstone. Even with a plot map, a search can be difficult - sometimes further information is required.

As well as being a memorial park, Abney Park is also a nature reserve and an important site for biodiversity. Should you decide to explore without our help, we ask you to be mindful of this and take care not to damage the memorials or disturb the vegetation more than necessary.

Please note - we are unable to provide plot maps without an appointment.

Please contact the Abney Park Trust by email:

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