Chair's update: January

Tom Walker, Chair

The coming year is going to see huge change at Abney Park as the work begins on the more visible parts of the restoration project. We have set up a dedicated space on our website with the latest developments, a virtual tour with an artist's impression of how the site might look in the future, some of the historic documents from the planning application, and more. The section includes a short podcast with the main contractor explaining the latest stage of the work.

If you visit Abney Park in person, you'll notice that the hoardings at the High Street entrance now host a detailed history of the park. These are available online too.

Our big news this month is that after nearly two years working with us one of our two Trust Coordinators, Zach Young, is leaving for a new job. Zach actually joined the Trust in lockdown on 1st April 2020. He has since made a huge contribution, including transforming our online profile – developing features like the "chapel recordings" in May 2020, giving local artists a space to perform. Since then he has worked to get all our "in real life" events and volunteering schemes back in action.

Thank you, Zach, and good luck! We will be recruiting for a new Trust Manager shortly. Follow our social media (see the links at the bottom of this email) for the advert and more details.

Our monthly community litter pick has been going from strength to strength. If you want to join us then the details are below or on our volunteering page.

The park is very muddy and the mild weather has been unusual. Last year we had snow in January – Abney at its most picturesque. I caught the frosty dawn and morning so far in this winter sunrise shot (below), taken on 21st December. Despite the restoration works, Abney remains a peaceful and important refuge.

Thank you for all your ongoing support for the work of the Trust.

Holly Spice