Chair's update: October

Tom Walker, Chair

We had a very good community open day stall last weekend on Saturday 24th September. This is the third we have done since May and they are always a great chance for us as Trustees to meet people who use the park, sell a bit of Abney merch (we sold out of black t-shirts) and explain what's going on. Thank you to everyone who passed by.  

We were delighted to meet a Dutch delegation visiting the park with Mark Cridge of National Park City. The National Park City is an amazing idea to build a network of city parks. I hope we can collaborate to boost access and help promote Abney. Check out their website at the link above. Ambitions we would like to explore include giving young Hackney people a chance to hear the dawn chorus, which is something we're also planning in our upcoming National Lottery Heritage Fund-supported programming, or connecting Abney to the rewilding movement. 

As regular readers know, we hit the fundraising target for the Mrs Graham memorial last month. We are now working with the sculptor on the headstone and with the family on a possible unveiling date.

How can you help us? We are still looking for a volunteer Treasurer to help us manage the Trust's funds. A couple of hours a week as part of a fun team doing great work.

Finally, we are hosting a drink for regular collaborators and volunteers. We will be inviting people shortly but if you think you fit the bill and don't get an invite get in touch. We would love to see you.

Enjoy the autumn colour as it sets in.

Holly Spice