Chair's update: May

Tom Walker, Chair

A short update this month as the restoration works edge forwards. We are still a bit limited in what we can do but we are now recruiting for a new staff member to ramp up our activities as the project completes. The Church Street entrance is now fully operational and it looks magnificent. It was definitely worth the wait and makes Abney fully accessible.

The main news month is a heartfelt tribute to one of our volunteers, Martin Brown, who passed away recently. There is a whole network of people involved in Abney in lots of different ways which shows our community focus. Martin played a huge role in that.

The park is lush green at the moment, but exceptionally muddy still. We've had some beautiful pictures shared on social media, including a nesting spotted woodpecker.

I hope as many of you as possible will pass by our stall on 20th May.

Holly Spice